

The sacred temple


Everything is in a state of vibration…

“Pure Energy is electromagnetic radiation, light.  It is simple frequency, movement – or put another way, sound.”

– Eileen Day McKusick, Tuning the Human Biofield –


About the Sacred Temple

Everything and everyone in this world is energy, vibrating and moving at various frequencies. This means we, and the world around us, are in a constant state of motion. Our entire body – down to a cellular level – has its own rhythm, an optimal resonant frequency. When optimal and in a healthy state, the body is in harmony, vibrating at its proper resonant frequency. But stress, illness and disease can cause the body to become unbalanced and fall out of harmony, creating blockages, disrupting the proper flow of energy in various areas in and around the body. These blockages ultimately lead to a loss of this optimal resonant frequency.

I use Sound Therapy to introduce pure rich tones to a person's body. These tones, begin to assist in restoring and rejuvenating the body's own resonant frequencies (healthy vibrations), eliminating imbalances and restoring a healthy flow of energy in and around the body. Sound Therapy assist in jump starting the bodies own innate healing to begin healing itself. Sound Therapy can reduce stress responses in the body, inducing a state of overall calm within the body. This is achieved by using acoustic instruments, such as Tibetan singing bowls. The Tibetan bowls aide in bringing the body to deeper states of rest and relaxation. In addition to Tibetan bowls, I layer in the rich sounds of gongs, rattles and drums, rain sticks, ocean drums, koshi chimes, ocarina and hapi drums when I intuitively feel it’s needed to complete the treatment session. I also infuse color therapy and aroma therapy into each session. Both color therapy and aroma therapy are frequency based modalities and are natural compliment to sound therapy. By using these tools in unison, I create an overall sense of well-being for the person which will help assist the body’s innate healing system to activate and begin healing itself.

“Frequency + intent = Healing”

Johnathon Goldman, The 7 Secrets of Sound Healing

Many believe that what we think, say, and feel manifests and becomes reality. Your thoughts, beliefs, feelings and intentions – conscious or subconscious – has a profound effect on your well-being and affect how you receive and project sound.  Setting an open intention and truly believing in the power of the sound as a tool for well-being is key to maximizing the benefits and allowing for true healing to take place.

Sound Therapy is a co-creative process where the relationship between healer and the person receiving the healing is important. Before each session, we will talk about what to expect and the purpose for your visit and I will answer any questions you may have. These sessions are both a blend of passive and participatory healing. As you relax, calm the body and slow your breathing, you are preparing your body to receive the sound. You are participating, consciously, as you’re aware and open to the vibrations that are entering your space.

Every session is unique to the individual and what you get out of it depends on what you are willing to put into it through belief and intention. And more importantly, you receive whatever your body needs in that moment.





Shantau is a certified Sound healing practitioner and Reiki Master trained in the Usui tradition, based in Northeast Seattle. She received training with traditional Tibetan Singing Bowls under the tutelage of world renowned Master Himalayan Sound Healer and Teacher and author, Suren Shrestha, founder of the Atma Buti Sound and Vibration School and received her Reiki Training under the tutelage of Lisa Powers.

She currently creates Sacred Sound Baths monthly with 3 beautiful women Andrea Carino, Ioana Todoran, and Alida Shuh. Together they form the group Soundsation. And she has partnered with various sound healers from the Puget Sound area through Guru Gayatri Yoga and Meditation Center under the direction of Sada Simran Singh Khalsa to present Fall Equinox, Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice sound immersions and yoga celebrations. She is also a painter and works with children in Seattle Public Schools. Her passion for sound began when she attended a Sound Bath at East West Bookshop in the Summer of 2015. She had such a profound and moving experience when a bowl was placed on her heart, that she knew she must explore singing bowls further and find out more about them. She signed up for Level 1 training in the fall of 2015 and went down the rabbit hole of sound so to speak. She continues research and learn new ways to use sound and other holistic modalities as healing tools for the mind, body and spirit.